Fixing runaway projects

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As a consultancy BSI has developed a reputation for having the ability to solve problems. As a consequence, BSI has been called in by companies to take over projects that have gone awry and to resurrect them and bring them to an effective conclusion (if appropriate). This is achieved by BSI bringing the following skills and discipline to such a situation:

  • Getting the project owner(s) to admit there is a problem. Move away from the “were almost there” trap
  • Enforcing a pause in the project to regroup and re-plan
  • The experience and ability to complete a project audit to understand the root cause for why things are going wrong
  • The ability to assess the effort to complete the project (paying close attention to the actuals associated with the work completed thus far)
  • The insight to revisit the investment case and validate the ROI
  • The discipline to resubmit the revised/reshaped project back through internal governance to validate the relevance and buy in from the business
  • The confidence to restart the project (with new project pans and revised estimates)